











Wendy: Hey, Sherry! Wow long time weh, Haven’t die yet ah?
(Hey sherry, It has been so long, How have you been?)
*Haven’t die yet=久しぶり、元気そうでよかった〜!くらいの感覚で仲のいい人に使われる。

Sherry: Haha still OK lah. you?
(Haha, I’m fine. How about you?)

Wendy: Good. Eh, I heard you got boyfriend already, isn’t it?
(I’m good, too. by the way, I heard you have a boyfriend now, don’t you?) 
*話題が変わる時は、Eh, でOK。
*Don’t you?やAren’t you?の場合でもIsn’t it?を使う

Sherry: Got!! 
(Yes I do!!)

Wendy: Got photo or not?? See!! see!!
(Do you have a photo? Show me!!)
*見せて?は”Show me”じゃなくて”See”

Sherry: Have!
(Yes I do!)

Wendy: Wow not bad eh!! Walao congrats princess! 
(Wow, he looks good!! Oh my got congratulation princess!)
*Not bad = good. ”悪くはない”よりは”良いね!”に近い
*Walao (/Walao wei) = Oh my got. マレーシア”英語”らしい。マレー語でもどの中国語の方言でもないそうです。

Sherry: Thank you thank you. 
(Thank you. )

Wendy: Eh, this neckless oso from him ah?
(Hey, Is this neckless from him as well?)

Sherry: Yalo
(Yes it is)
*Yalo/Yala/Yea lo = Yes it is

Wendy: How much eh?
(How much is it?)

Sherry: Don’t know meh but google say 500RM
(I don’t know. but I checked in google it is 500RM)

Wendy: Wow so rich ah? nice meh~!
(wow he is so rich, that’s nice!!)

Shelly: Haha not bad. Eh, by the way, your job, right? how?
(Hahaha, It’s good. By the way, How is your job now?)
*~(について)なんだけどさ、というときに○○, right?と言う。別に確認されている訳ではない。

Wendy: Die oh, Got crazy already. 
(I’m having a tough time, It’s is too crazy)
*Die oh = Difficult, tough, impossibleなどに使われる。

Sherry: Sure not? How?
(Are you sure? How is it like?) 

Wendy: Too busy eh confirm no life one. But Actually ya, this industry confirm all same one.
(It is too busy. I really don’t have a life with it. But I’m sure everywhere is same in this industry actually. )
*Confirm ~(one)  =絶対に~、確実に~

Sherry: Sure meh? Like that ah? Damn it later I oso go same industry one… 
(Really? Is it like that? Oh no, I’m also going to go the same industry later )

Wendy: Eh already confirm ka?
(Oh, is it confirmed?)

Sherry: Ya, already. Got confirm one. 
(Yes, It is confirmed)

Wendy: Hahaha welcome, then die-die together loh!!
(Hahaha, welcome, then we are in the same boat!!)
*Die-die together: (You) die, (I) die together = 運命共同体という意味

Sherry: Don’t want!! Eh, so your salary how much ah now? 
(No, I don’t want it!! (by the way) How much is your salary?)

Wendy: 3.5k lah
(It is 3.5k RM)

Sherry: Ah then same-same lah. But only 3.5 then busy like that ka, suffer meh~.
(Ah, It’s same as mine then. But it’s too much if it’s only 3.5 then that much busy. )
*Same-same = ほぼ一緒から完全一緒まで幅広くカバーする

Wendy: Yalo. Later got bonus then sure chao already la.
(It is. I will definitely resign after the bonus. )

Alex: Heeey girls, sorry lah I late already!!
(Hey girls, I’m sorry for being late!!)

S&W: Walao so late ah, Thank you boss!
(You are late! Thank you, boss (It’s on you)!)
*Thank you boss=(ただの認識で、実際に奢らされることはほぼないが)最後に来た人が食事を奢る罰があるマレーシア。
食事を奢るのは普段はボスの役目なので、遅刻した人にはThank you boss(=ごちそうさまです!)と皮肉る。

Alex: Never mind, Eh you eat already?
(Forget about it, Have you guys eaten?)
*Never mindはやらかした方が”まあ気にしないで (忘れて)くれよ”の感覚で使う。

Sherry: Of course not yet lah. We waiting you.
(Of course we haven’t. we were waiting for you)

Alex: Wah so nice eh you, So you want eat what?
(That’s so nice of you, What do you want to eat?)

Wendy: Eh hungrygowhere got show nice chicken rice one.
(I found nice chicken rice restaurant on hungrygowhere)

Sherry: Where got?
(Where is it?)
*where gotはどこにあるの?という意味の他にも、そんなのあるわけがないだろうという意味でも使われる。

Wendy: Nearby only already. I fetch you there, follow my car. 
(It’s just nearby. I will drive, take my car) 
*Follow ○○ car=車の後をつけて行くのではなく、その人の車に乗ること

Alex: OK let’s go. Faster Faster, Hungry already
(OK, Let’s go, hurry up, I’m hungry)

S&W: You late one!! Pu*sy~! 
(Screw you! You are the one who was late!!)


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